A friend asked me: "If you could title this chapter of your life, what would it be called?" .I Instantly knew mine would be "Sometimes lost"
Sometimes I have it all together, but sometimes I try to hold on to continually untangle the loose ends. Most of the time, I am an overflow of joy, peace, and goodness. Other times, I'm a time bomb with a short fuse. I'm usually a pretty open guy because I know that's what the world needs. But other days, I close, close and hide from the healing. Sometimes I love well, and yet there are times when I choose to believe the lie that bad love is better than no love.
What a mess right? - A "messy-deadly-tangled-magical-glorious-human-scruffy". But the truth is, in the moments that you recognize that you are just a human being, you begin to have self-compassion, you begin to heal the shame, you begin to realize that being lost can sometimes be the best state to be.
When you sometimes doubt, you find out what you believe in and set your faith on fire. When you sometimes fail, you learn your blind spots and learn invaluable lessons along the way. When you sometimes love and sometimes lose, you get the truest glimpse of our divine human experience; why we are here - pleasure and sacrifice and grace. You realize that it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved.
You see, when you're lost in the dark, the only priority is chasing the light. When you are lost and you know it, you seek to find; you ask questions. When you are lost, you knock and wait for the doors to open; He knocks them down if necessary because he knows that a clue to the right path could be on the other side. And in the moments when "sometimes you are lost", you are much closer to finding and being found.